""Our mission is to assist individuals in achieving a life of independence and success by providing services tailored to the individual needs of the consumers we support."

A.L.I. Vocational Services, LLC (A.L.I.) supports our mission by recruiting Vocational providers to deliver services and support in a manner that exceeds the expectations of our clients. At ALI, we are driven by helping others reach their employment goals, building a life of independence and success. We work in contract with the Department of Rehabilitation, providing DOR Consumers with vocational services, tailored to their skills, abilities, and needs.

A.L.I. Vocational Services is a Community Rehabilitation Program, certified through the California Department of Rehabilitation. A.L.I. is an approved CRP providing support in the areas of Employment Services (ES), Personal Vocational Social Adjustment (PVSA) and Job Coaching.

The Owner of A.L.I. has been providing services since 2013. Experienced with contracts held in Arizona through DES/RSA- Vocational Rehabilitation Services in the areas of Tutoring, Disability Related Employment Services, Work Adjustment Training, Trial Work Experience, Extended Supported Employment, Rehabilitation Instructional Services (Orientation and Mobility, Adjustment to Disability and Independent Life Skills), Career Exploration, Supported Education and Job Training-Clerical Technology. As well as contracts with DES/DDD-Division of Developmental Disabilities for long term job coaching with ISE and ESA, Habilitation, Respite, Attendant Care and Housekeeping.

Services are offered virtually, at our facility, at the employment site or in the community.